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Dr. Casey, PhD, MPH, is Director of Epidemiology and Public Health and associate professor of family medicine at the University of South Alabama Whiddon College of Medicine with a concurrent appointment in USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Control and Prevention; she is also Director of the Masters of Public Health Program at Spring Hill College. Dr. Casey holds masters and doctoral degrees in Public Health from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Her research interests include behavioral epidemiology, childhood/adolescent vaccination, cancer prevention, health communication, and reducing health disparities, emphasizing rural settings. Dr. Casey is a staunch advocate for increasing vaccination to lower rates of preventable diseases; she has led several studies to improve vaccine uptake. 

Dr. Casey has held top leadership roles with non-profit organizations such as VAX2STOP CANCER, was elected Chair of Alabama’s Cancer Control Coalition, and is on the executive committee of Alabama’s vaccination task force. She is active in many prominent organizations including American Public Health Association and Society of Behavioral Medicine. With over 50 scientific publications and numerous national presentations and invited talks, Dr. Casey is a widely-respected expert in the field of vaccination.

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