Embrace the New Year By Prioritizing the Health and Well-being of Our Children

It’s time to celebrate the arrival of another new year! As 2023 comes to an end, 2024 brings new starts and ambitions. Many people will kick start the new year with a resolution, with most choosing to prioritize their families’ health and well-being. But you don’t need to wait until midnight to focus on healthier choices. With the influenza season in full swing, one of the most effective ways to ensure your family remains free of illness is through vaccination.

Keeping up with vaccinations has been essential in preventing and controlling infectious diseases for decades. They are a cornerstone of public health efforts, contributing to the overall well-being of communities.

Unfortunately, according to the CDC, flu vaccination coverage for all children six months to 17 years of age is 3.6 percentage points lower than last season (43.3% compared with 46.9%). For pregnant women aged 18 to 49, Overall coverage at the end of November 2023 (33.8%) is 2.2 percentage points lower compared with coverage at the end of November 2022 (36.0%).

This lower coverage leaves children vulnerable and susceptible to risks from seasonal flu and its potentially serious complications. As we enter the new year, ensure that your children are up-to-date on their vaccinations so you can avoid serious outcomes, including pneumonia.

It’s easy to stay up-to-date with your child’s vaccinations. All you have to do is consult a healthcare provider who will offer guidance on when children should receive specific vaccines. Health Hero Tennessee partners with organizations to establish community clinics and create tailored onsite clinic immunization programs that can scale according to needs.

Discussing vaccination with a healthcare provider can also help alleviate any hesitancy. Parents and caregivers need to seek information from reliable sources and engage in open conversations with healthcare professionals. Dispelling myths and addressing concerns can contribute to a better understanding of the importance of vaccinations in safeguarding children’s health.

Vaccinations not only protect those who received a shot but also create a barrier that contributes to community immunity. By achieving high vaccination rates, we create a barrier that limits the spread of infectious diseases, protecting those unable to receive vaccines due to age or medical reasons.

The science of vaccine development continues to evolve, with ongoing research aimed at improving and developing new vaccines. Since the 1980s, vaccinations have prevented about 2.5 million deaths per year in the United States, according to Statista. This study also shows that vaccines have significantly reduced the rate of child mortality. They are also responsible for helping to eradicate diseases like Polio and smallpox. Pertussis no longer kills one out of every 100 infants hospitalized with whooping cough. Finally, the Haemophilus Influenza B vaccine has successfully prevented the infection, harm, or incapacitation of over 10,000 children annually. Staying informed about the advancement in vaccines allows parents and caregivers to make informed decisions about their children’s health.

As 2023 ends and we embark on the journey of improving our health and well-being into 2024, it’s important to prioritize the health and safety of our children. Vaccinations can help achieve your health goals by providing a fighting chance against preventable diseases. Building your child’s immunity will extend beyond individual protection and create a barrier for entire communities. We can ensure a healthier and safer 2024 for our children and the years ahead by staying informed, addressing vaccine hesitancy, and maintaining vaccination schedules.

Here’s to a new year focused on the health and protection of our children!

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Weekly Flu Vaccination Dashboard

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Prevent Seasonal Flu

Statista: Vaccine-preventable diseases in the U.S. — statistics & facts

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